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Selected shades

Medium Sand - Medium skin with Yellow undertones

Rainforest of the Sea Aquacealer Concealer

By Tarte


CN 74 Beige, was 15 Beige

Beyond Perfecting Foundation and Concealer

By Clinique

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Find perfect skin tone shades online matching to Medium Sand - Medium skin with Yellow undertones, Rainforest of the Sea Aquacealer Concealer by Tarte.

Online shade matching for Medium Sand - Medium skin with Yellow undertones, Rainforest of the Sea Aquacealer Concealer by Tarte is brought to you by Find My Shade™, an AI-based makeup matching app.

Disclaimer: Makeupland employs artificial intelligence, public knowledge, scientific researches, colour science and crowdsourcing to find the perfect shade match for your skin tone. However, we can not guarantee a 100% accuracy in matching at this stage. Please use this tool for recommendation and reference purpose only.

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